
  • Famous Monsters Of Filmland
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 8. 20:35
    Famous Monsters Of Filmland
    1. Famous Monsters Of Filmland T-shirts
    2. Famous Monsters Of Filmland #1 Value

    If you look at the poster, again, you'll see that it's a different painting. Pick up a copy of the new Famous Monsters of Filmland and see if you like it. Captain Company, the official store of Famous Monsters of Filmland, Cosmic Con Events, and American Gothic press. Bringing out the Monster Kid in all of us. Horne also mentions that in FM #12 the editor states that the average number of issues of Famous Monsters of Filmland printed for each issue up to that point was 116,000. The rarest issue of FM is the #6 variant with the 'MT Graves' sticker. These were only distributed in the Miamia area.

    Famous Monsters Of Filmland T-shirts

    Warren Publishing Company Publisher: James Warren Editor: Forrest J Ackerman February 1958 - March 1983 The Return of Gogos! Absent since no. 24, Basil Gogos returned to do a special cover for the Boris Karloff tribute issue (no. 56) and stayed on as a regular contributor, turning out many classic covers.

    Ron Cobb would turn in his final cover. 1969, Warren sent a to all employees announcing that FM's numbering would jump from no. 80, so that FM would reach it's 100th issue that much sooner. Between 1962 and 1971, Warren published a series of 10 FM 'yearbooks'.

    Famous Monsters Of Filmland

    Famous Monsters Of Filmland #1 Value

    After the initial volume, each succeeding yearbook would feature next years date on the cover. I didn't realize Luis Dominguez was the one who did the poster for 'TALES FROM THE CRYPT' (one of Amicus' best films). I actually started buying with FM #56- what a place to come in.

    Over the next 5 years, I got back-issues going back to #31, plus older stuff via the FEARBOOKS. Sadly, during that time, I saw the intelligence level of the mag steadly go DOWN, as they seemed to aim at an increasingly younger audience. Had they stayed the same, I cold have dealt with it (as I got older), but around 1973 it just got TOO juvenile for my tastes, and before I knoew it, I'd stopped buying and started buying comic-books instead (!!!).

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